Friday, April 17, 2015

OPG-3 #13: Are Your Databases Becoming Icebergs?

Creating Paperless Business Processes #13


 “…while a portion of icebergs are above the water level, the larger portion is below.” (International Ice Patrol)


If your multiple databases were compared to icebergs, in the worst case scenario, how much danger would they pose?


If you use the standard operating procedure for databases, each entry is unique, and related to only one database. So, in the end, you have (correctly) typed John N. Johnson seven times into your multiple database icebergs that operate separately. You don’t have two IT Networks, so why would you need multiple databases that float alone? Without a system, nothing flows in-and-out of your databases, which causes your databases to drift further apart, to a point where it gets harder and harder to integrate divergent databases. Below the water line: By ignoring database issues, the problems caused by errors and duplication grow. Eventually your office will have large database icebergs that freeze your time with greater frequency.


By creating icebergs, are you losing the efficiency and integrity of your databases?


Databases begin as ice cubes of information; however, OPG-3 knows that databases become icebergs over time. Icebergs drift apart and cause problems, if you neglect your growing problems. And like icebergs, most of the important information is hidden below the surface of your IT staff. The hidden portion of the iceberg that your staff can’t see needs to be integrated to make your organization more efficient and effective, or it becomes a bigger problem, doesn’t it?


Before: “Iceberg dead ahead!” How do we protect and integrate your databases?


Before you hit a database iceberg, remember that OPG-3 has Microsoft Certified Process Database Administrators that can assess your silos of information. We know the Microsoft tools and systems to integrate databases. You monitor the efficiency of your IT Network; however, have you ever called OPG-3 to assess the integrity and the efficiency of your multiple databases?


OPG-3 can bring your divergent database silos together with Microsoft Middle Man tools that may act like Middle Ware, reaching out across boundaries to aggregate your data with automatic ease. Instead of double-entering data, you could be talking database to database, we call Cross Walking. Your choices: The Microsoft database tools and the OPG-3 know how are available, so why not ask us to help you?



Key points:

  • Databases that don’t share data become harder and harder to integrate
  • Double keyed data wastes time and increases errors
  • Segregated databases is service-affecting
  • Bringing databases together offers you Actionable Information
  • With Microsoft tools and our knowledge, you can push and pull data into applications
  • Hemingway Solutions database assessments are affordable


Ask OPG-3 to assess your databases today, before it becomes a problem. Please contact us today: 651-233-5075 or email

OPG-3: Shared Data Consultants

data transfer

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